Briley's Birthday

She was two weeks late. She sat on my pelvis like 8 pounds of bowling ball. I'm pretty sure she thought she owned my body. I craved Waffle House eggs, bacon, potatoes, and grits every single day. I was sick every single day of my pregnancy and the meanest person ever. I gained 40 pounds with her. I had heartburn even when I drank water.They said it was because she would have a lot of hair. She has a head full of hair. She refused to cry when she was born. She only drank goats milk and refused to drink any other milk as a baby.. She slept in my bed (and continues to sneak into my bed) until she was 3. I am thankful for every single year I have with my 6 year old firecracker. Yesterday was her birthday. Happy Birthday Briley H. Diva.

Where Have You Been Ollie Wills?

I have the distinguished honor of getting to work for myself and take photos all the time.  If I had to compare my love, I would say that it is very much like a happy marriage.  There are many more good days then bad days.  But I do have to say that I have an insane amount of gratitude for realizingmy dream and focusing on making my craft better.  Here's some food for the starving artists soul. I welcome criticism. These pictures are from various places I have shot in the last few weeks (yes, I'm insanely behind).

So for the past few weeks, I've been working with a wonderful company Charlotte Fashion Plate on their company rollout, SEO Management and photography.  This is been a dream realized.  I now can focus on my dream and my family.  I feel like I have spent so much of life planning for the start of life which has been.

I am thankful for the family that has supported me throughout this process of who what where when and when and when.  I appreciate those who stood by me and told me, "You are going to be somebody, not that you're not already somebody."  I appreciate my partner sitting with me through many a long nights that he didn't have to.  I appreciate the time he spent watching my children while I sometimes worked for 12 hours straight.

EYE opening.

Gratitude amasses within my soul to the point that it's almost overwhelming.

I thank you all for believing in me.

The Day my Family Eloped

This weekend we eloped; we being the whole entire family of me, Jordan, the kids, and the two fur kids. Our elopement was marked by flip-flops, sandy hair, shaggy sweaters, and two overly excited dogs. The Atlantic Ocean was our music and the menu was salt water and jelly fish.

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Belmont Soda Fountain: Small Town Flavor and Warmth

Tis a family past time of our to venture to the nether regions of the county to go to a small all-American town by the name of Belmont.  In that small little town is a Main Street where there is a park, a coffee shop, a bakery, a general store and the Belmont Soda Fountain. The floors are pristine hardwoods with original hardware unique to the original drugstore that formerly took residence.  The Belmont Soda Fountain is family owned and passes that same atmosphere onto it's local and faithful clientele.  Recently, I had the opportunity to host one of my engagement shoots at this store.  True to nature, they worked with me to accommodate the needs of my client letting us enter the store 30 minutes early and even making an amazing Belmont Soda Fountain Banana Split as a great prop for the experience.

I am sincerely thankful for the work that I do and the opportunity to work with creativity and business that foster creativity.

As many of you know, I am a huge supporter of buy local and support local.  These businesses rely on vendors like us to make them reach far beyond their community.

It's a beautiful thing.

xox Ollie