Where Have You Been Ollie Wills?

I have the distinguished honor of getting to work for myself and take photos all the time.  If I had to compare my love, I would say that it is very much like a happy marriage.  There are many more good days then bad days.  But I do have to say that I have an insane amount of gratitude for realizingmy dream and focusing on making my craft better.  Here's some food for the starving artists soul. I welcome criticism. These pictures are from various places I have shot in the last few weeks (yes, I'm insanely behind).

So for the past few weeks, I've been working with a wonderful company Charlotte Fashion Plate on their company rollout, SEO Management and photography.  This is been a dream realized.  I now can focus on my dream and my family.  I feel like I have spent so much of life planning for the start of life which has been.

I am thankful for the family that has supported me throughout this process of who what where when and when and when.  I appreciate those who stood by me and told me, "You are going to be somebody, not that you're not already somebody."  I appreciate my partner sitting with me through many a long nights that he didn't have to.  I appreciate the time he spent watching my children while I sometimes worked for 12 hours straight.

EYE opening.

Gratitude amasses within my soul to the point that it's almost overwhelming.

I thank you all for believing in me.

Saturday Traditions: Brunch

One of my family's favorite traditions is "Saturday Brunch."  That is the one day during that week that we get to have our "cheat morning" and eat out at our favorite local restaurant.  A year ago, that restaurant was Dilly Deli. It's a quaint little cafe nestled in the heart of downtown Tulsa.  Sadly, Tulsa is no longer my home, therefore, Dilly Deli is no longer my tradition. 

For the past year, we have tried to find our Dilly Deli with no luck. Really, there's no such luck.  THERE IS NO RESTAURANT LIKE DILLY DELI.  With that being said, it was our stroke of luck that I found "Toast Cafe." Toast Cafe is another "quaint" cafe situated in Ballantyne, NC right off of Rea Rd. Hardwood floors, dark interior, bright yellow walls, with a pub feel mark this little cafe.  No surprising, the food is awesome:  REAL homefries, REAL eggs, FLUFFY omelettes.