Where Have You Been Ollie Wills?

I have the distinguished honor of getting to work for myself and take photos all the time.  If I had to compare my love, I would say that it is very much like a happy marriage.  There are many more good days then bad days.  But I do have to say that I have an insane amount of gratitude for realizingmy dream and focusing on making my craft better.  Here's some food for the starving artists soul. I welcome criticism. These pictures are from various places I have shot in the last few weeks (yes, I'm insanely behind).

So for the past few weeks, I've been working with a wonderful company Charlotte Fashion Plate on their company rollout, SEO Management and photography.  This is been a dream realized.  I now can focus on my dream and my family.  I feel like I have spent so much of life planning for the start of life which has been.

I am thankful for the family that has supported me throughout this process of who what where when and when and when.  I appreciate those who stood by me and told me, "You are going to be somebody, not that you're not already somebody."  I appreciate my partner sitting with me through many a long nights that he didn't have to.  I appreciate the time he spent watching my children while I sometimes worked for 12 hours straight.

EYE opening.

Gratitude amasses within my soul to the point that it's almost overwhelming.

I thank you all for believing in me.