Briley's Birthday

She was two weeks late. She sat on my pelvis like 8 pounds of bowling ball. I'm pretty sure she thought she owned my body. I craved Waffle House eggs, bacon, potatoes, and grits every single day. I was sick every single day of my pregnancy and the meanest person ever. I gained 40 pounds with her. I had heartburn even when I drank water.They said it was because she would have a lot of hair. She has a head full of hair. She refused to cry when she was born. She only drank goats milk and refused to drink any other milk as a baby.. She slept in my bed (and continues to sneak into my bed) until she was 3. I am thankful for every single year I have with my 6 year old firecracker. Yesterday was her birthday. Happy Birthday Briley H. Diva.

Renaissance Festival

These past few weeks have been incredibly hard for me personally. I've held myself hostage because a lot of issues I've suppressed.  The funny thing about hard times is that you see who your real friends are.  I am blessed to be surrounded by a number of people who have made me accountable to getting out there and still living. My dear friend, Janae, made plans for me to attend the Charlotte Renaissance Festival.  First of all, I've never been to ANY festival like this at all.  Second, my excitement was slightly muted by my current trials.  Third, I had a helluva good time. We ate food. We saw a show. We had Chicken and Chips. We bought candles. I took pictures like a tourist.  I remembered happiness for the first time in a very long time.  I have gratitude for the friends that God has sent me.  I am eternally thankful for these weekends.  Here are a few pictures from that awesome day!