Photo Session at the Ann Close Dairy Farm in Fort Mill, SC

I'm not going to lie. I struggle waking up on Saturdays.  Though my military roots aren't too fast to fade, I enjoy my Saturdays because they are much more relaxed.  My shoots seem to go extremely smoothly on these days as well because I generally schedule no more than two on these days.

I was blessed.

Can I get an AMEN!

I am blessed! I get the best clients! The Vollen Family was amazing.  They welcomed me and I welcomed them and we sincerely brought my art and profession under the beautiful sun flares and autumn leaves. 

Oh So Candid Family Shoot with the Hardmans: A Sneak

Candid moments are great.

They are the things that let us know the human condition still remains.

They are not hallow social media selfies.  They are real. They are beautiful. They never go out of style.

They are my specialty.

The great thing about  shooting close family friends is that they trust your ability to accurately use creative license: in other words, you can be yourself. You can use your specialty.


It was weird to see someone you had known since they were a teenager be so grown up. My first thought was "he has kids and EVERYTHING." My next thought was "gosh, you're such an old bird now."

  Although we aren't really that far apart in age, I have always thought of Randy as my little brother (he kinda is since he is the younger brother of my very best friend). But, to see him grow into such a mature, responsible father of two in awe inspiring.  I now look at his family and think "wow, they were always there, just not there yet." It's surreal.

This weekend, he and his kids ventured a few hundred miles back in to NC territory for Easter Weekend and I made good on my promise to retake their pictures.  I'm so happy it worked out because I got to capture so many great moments in this beautiful little family.  These kids could not ask for a better father and he couldn't ask for better more joyous kids. They all got to be themselves. They let me be myself.  Couldn't have asked for a better photo session.