Back to School is Back to Basics
Some parents are devastated at the thought of their children starting/going back to school.
I'm not one of those parents.
Though it's safe to say that I enjoy a healthy relationship with my children, they are more like little annoying siblings rather than the focus of my every waxing and waning emotion. We are more like business partners. I bring in the money, they make their demands.
Actually, I have two pretty great kids are everything to me.
One of these great kids started school for the first time and the other one continued his tenure since he's apparently ready for college at the tender age of 10.
I love it when my kids go back because 1. There's no more expensive daycare costs. 2. They get back into a wonderful routine of eat.sleep.rave.repeat. 3. I no longer have to be the sole provider of the entertainment.
But, now that summer has come to an end, it's back to what I know. It's back to basics. No more schedule interruptions for the foreseeable next 8 months. There will be no worrisome nightmares about what we're going to do when they get out. We are back to the things that we all know.
School time is marked by football games, fall hikes, and league sports. It's also a time for father/daughter dances, science fair projects, and showing the world that my kids are the shit. I will admit....I get a kick out of getting the opportunity to prove this to you world!
This is oddly the single most selfish act I will commit every year. But who cares? Every thinks their DNA is the best and each school, I'm given the opportunity to put my offspring in the stable and shout "Their Off!"
Here's to another year with the lively little monsters who have filled my heart with so much love and sarcasm.