First Official Wedding of the Season: Greg and Candace

Years ago in the state of Michigan, two young kids met and became lifelong friends.  Thirteen is a tender age to meet the love of your life.  But that's exactly happened with Greg and Candace! They met at 13 and married 50 years later! I guess that saying is true that that "true love never dies!" Here is a sneak peep from their wedding I shot yesterday.  More images to come. Great family to work with.  Hope to work with them again!

Popular Vintage Looks & Trends for the 2015 Bride

I remember waking up at 7:00am sharp to join my Mom (who I affectionately call Melinda Ann) on her ritualistic Saturday morning garage sale hunting expedition.  The mornings usually started out warm and hungry, but usually "metamorphosized" into this hot misty day filled with old dictionaries, timeless classics, clothes that smelled of mothballs & cobwebs, and of course the rumble of my stomach. My Mom placated these many sites and sounds with buying me cereal burgers (soy burgers with a mystery mixture of meat and lard) and crinkled dollars. 

I look back on many of these Saturdays with love and bliss because these very Saturdays are what has shaped my love for all things vintage and my very style in photography.

This year has brought something special with it: Vintage. Many brides are setting out to do a lot of DIY weddings to save on the cost and also put their personal touch on their special day.  I'm all for this.  This inspires creativity. 

Below are some pictures that inspire my photography and are definitely shaping up to be the most popular "Vintage Trends for the 2015 Bride."  Check out my inspiration.

Three BIG Reasons Why I LOVE Weddings

I love weddings. I'm in the process of planning my wedding which the date is undetermined.  We are in NO HURRY.  Plus, planning a wedding, to me, is like when you enter the first stages of an awesome relationship: you want to stay inside of your little bubble and tell the world nothing until you're good and ready.  At least, that's how it is for me.  But, I digress.

1. Weddings showcase family love.

There's nothing more beautiful then watching a sister (below) help her older sister get dressed for her big day.  Sometimes there are tears. Most of time there are laughs. All-in-all each wedding I have shot has one thing in common.  Weddings bring families together.

What was  your greatest experience at your wedding?

weddings are awesome

2.  You capture the most candid shots.

It is in my personal opinion that when you shoot a wedding, you have the greatest opportunity to capture those candid shots.  Most of the time, brides (and grooms) are so concerned with keeping up with the schedule that they forget that I'm even there. Most weddings are around 6-8 hours.  So, that's 6-8 hours of the most beautiful opportunities.

why weddings are awesome

3.  You capture those very first moments between man and wife.

It's really a beautiful thing.  Just a few hours ago, they were boyfriend and girlfriend.  They were engaged.  Now, they are husband and wife.  They now share families.  When they hold hands, it means something to the world because they are both sharing this new life together.  It is something I have never seen with any other form of photography. 

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