Bridal Trends: Flo & Percy



Absolutely unique..................

UK Handmade

According to the website, Flo  & Percy are  "Florence and Percy [and] were married for 80 years and held the record for the longest marriage in the world. May the Flo & Percy piece you purchase bring you the same luck, health and happiness that they shared."

This website is brimming with a number of handmade timeless and classical looks that will strike your fancy.  The pieces are bright, vintage, and infused with a taste of nostagia.  Kristin Taylor, the designer, is a award winning accessory designer.  She has been creating these pieces for over 10 years with her work having been feature in a number of magazines both wedding and national publications.

Her work can be described as "vintage chic" with "every single hand finished piece that is made in [their] studio..."

Like the FB page at Percy & Flo

Pictures courtesy Percy and Flo

Bridal Trends: DIY Cake Inspiration via Babes in Boyland

Babes in Boyland is one of the many blogs  I follow via Lovely Life and use for my photographic inspiration. I'm almost positive the website is based in Denmark given the fact that the site is predominantly in Danish ;) Please go check out this website. This is probably one of the single most appetizing and easy tutorials I have ever read.  It's also an incredible tutorial for the Rustic Bride, DIY queens, and Vintage Mavens.


Source and Photo Credits: Babes in Boyland

Popular Vintage Looks & Trends for the 2015 Bride

I remember waking up at 7:00am sharp to join my Mom (who I affectionately call Melinda Ann) on her ritualistic Saturday morning garage sale hunting expedition.  The mornings usually started out warm and hungry, but usually "metamorphosized" into this hot misty day filled with old dictionaries, timeless classics, clothes that smelled of mothballs & cobwebs, and of course the rumble of my stomach. My Mom placated these many sites and sounds with buying me cereal burgers (soy burgers with a mystery mixture of meat and lard) and crinkled dollars. 

I look back on many of these Saturdays with love and bliss because these very Saturdays are what has shaped my love for all things vintage and my very style in photography.

This year has brought something special with it: Vintage. Many brides are setting out to do a lot of DIY weddings to save on the cost and also put their personal touch on their special day.  I'm all for this.  This inspires creativity. 

Below are some pictures that inspire my photography and are definitely shaping up to be the most popular "Vintage Trends for the 2015 Bride."  Check out my inspiration.