Window shopping is a poor girls dream. Heck: It IS THE BRIDE'S DREAM. Dreams are made and shattered in the very reflections of the window shopper. I am a perpetual window shopper. I like to fill my cart up with everything I see, touch, and feel, then leave the cart. I'm that annoying shopper that shops short of the cash register then gives you all of those things to re-shelve at the end of the day. I'm really not a unthoughtful person. I just like to feel what it feels like because it always eventually comes back around to me.
Today's BRIDAL TREND happens to be the dream all of all for this year's 2015 Bride. Bridal Trend pick of the week is "Suarez Bakery" of Charlotte, NC. How do would one describe Suarez? Well, Charlotte Magazine would call it "Guns and Butter." I would call it Carlos Suarez. Be sure to read more about the Bakery here. Here are some pictures from my adventures ever so rustic, sleek, wonderful, and whimsical.