The Photographer, Then & Now: Why I Hate Getting my Photos taken (REALLY)
Reason 50 Why I Became A Photographer: Subjection to unsolicited photography. Thus photographed is now the photographer. Me, Then and Now. A Photo Journal.
My mother and me. Look at how beautiful she is. Look at that strange child she is holding. Even thenmy eye brows rose at their own volition. As a photographer, I equate beauty to symmetry. My mother is beautiful therefore she is photogenic. She was beautiful. She is beautiful. I became a photographer because I believe you can almost capture a person's soul if you try hard enough.
Me when I was one or two. For some reason, these are the moments that I feel I can remember. While other people remember events in words. I remember them in colors. I remember them in heaviness. I see the light people had in their eyes. I remember the feel of the box, the smell of the tag, and ripping it open. Or maybe that is the imagination that has been present and prevalent my entire life.
I'm almost positive it took two to three shots to get this right. I'm almost positive I refused to look at the camera. I'm almost positive those were my favorite shoes. I KNOW I chose the crayon as my prop because I thought it smelled pretty. This is the first time I remember feeling beautiful. Something happened between then and my teenage years. When is it that we start to view ourselves not as beautiful people, but as ugly mistakes that are meant to be compared with "the standard."
I always laugh at this picture because I remember writing this card. I remember the photographer trying to convince me to look at the camera and me refusing. It's funny. As adults, we almost feel obligated to do as we're told for photos. As children, we sincerely could care less as long as we are capture (which is why I believe children actually have a light in their eyes when they are photographed).
Self Portrait in 2016. There's light in there yet. I'm actually looking at the camera. But I did contemplate whether or not I should reveal this photo. First, I'm not a fan of myself. It sounds bad, but it's true. But, I'm learning to love myself. I mean REALLY love myself which means accepting my mistakes and flaws for something beautiful. I'm learning to trust the process ever so much.