Sweet 16 and Growing Up

I never thought that I would look back one day and say “I vaguely remember being 16.” I thought that I would remember my teenage years; every detail; every friend; every triumph and every fail.

The truth is that I remember very little. But what I do remember is formidable and lasting.

I remember having friends and meeting them at the mall for an afternoon of shopping. That was my first taste of independence. I didn’t drive. But I do remember riding in cars with boy for the first time (without my parent’s knowledge of course). I also remember the feeling of turning sixteen and remembering the famed movie “Sixteen Candles” and thinking that this would be my future.

It’s funny to think about these things now as I re-edit photos from this shoot I shot back in 2021. I watched this young woman go from being a typically teenager to being a “young woman” all in the span of a rainy evening.

As I spend the next few weeks catching up on my blog, I look forward to sharing more of these introspective moments with you, my audience. It is important to feel what I felt when I shot these photos to embody the why and the how. The experience is just as important as the final product.

The Baby Shower of Jigg and Jess!

On March 4, 2023, I had the esteemed opportunity to shoot my little cousin’s baby shower. Please note that I use the term “little” very loosely.

Someone special, someone dear, someone new to love is here.

It was an opportunity for two families to come together and celebrate the arrival of a newest family member, Baby J. It is also an opportunity to spread good energy and well-being to the baby while he shares his connection with his mother.

Here’s to smiles, laughter, patience, and joy. We hope you get a healthy baby girl or boy.

This baby shower, however, was very special because it involved remembrances. My dear cousin lost both of her parents a few year ago. This event gave us the chance to remember them as well through the love that my cousin shares with her spouse, Jigg. This is just as important as recognizing the coming of new life.

I cannot stress the importance of sharing love and support with new mothers during this time of creation. The process of bonding begins at the inception of life and continues throughout the development process. If the mother feels loved, then the baby feels loved. If the mother feels stressed, then the baby feels that stress. Baby showers are a way of giving the mother love, and by proxy, the baby as well. It is an intrinsic relationship that essential for the overall success of the human race. I would, daresay, that showing love for the future is more important than it has ever been in our lifetimes since we are currently experiencing a decline in birth rates.

Lots and love and the best of wishes on the arrival of your little one.

Therefore, this is a celebration! This is new life defying all birth rate statistics. This is our future.

Share with me in this time of remembrance and capture the energy of this documented event through the lens of Tallulah.